Replacement of coal generation with renewable energy sources will reduce CO2 emissions in the Omsk region
Omsk, 22 Oct – IA Neftegaz.RU. In Novovarshavka district of the Omsk region till the end of 2020, will be built solar power plant (SPP).
The Minister of natural resources and ecology of Omsk region I. Lobov announced on 21 October 2020.
Construction Novovarshavskogo SES in the South of the Omsk region began in 2019
SPP capacity will be 30 MW.
The volume of investments will amount to 2.4 billion rubles, the investor is a GK Hevel.
Planned annual tax revenues from the project will amount to 140 million rubles.
In addition, Novoorlovsky district received a grant for the elimination of the landfill with adjacent land, where Hevel plans to build 2nd phase of the power plant.
Replacement of coal generation with renewable energy sources (RES) will reduce emissions FROM2 in the Omsk region.
This is an important issue for the region.
According to the may presidential decree 2018, Omsk and 11 major industrial centers should be implemented comprehensive plans to reduce emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere.
To 2024 emissions in the city of Omsk needs to be reduced by 22.5%.
Therefore, the region is actively developing gas fuel market (HMT), as well as built generation sources to renewable energy sources.
In October 2019 at the Omsk refinery (refinery) Gazprom Neft was launched SPP power of 1 MW, which became 1th solar power plant in the Omsk region.