In anticipation of the AWP Gazprom prepared the Unified gas supply system to ensure reliable gas supply to consumers.
Saint Petersburg, 29 Oct – IA Neftegaz.RU.The Board of Gazprom has considered the readiness of the Unified gas supply system (the UGSS) for the passage of the period of peak loads in the late 2020 – early 2021 and the measures required to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to consumers in winter.
This was announced by Gazprom.
Reliability of gas supply to consumers in Russia and abroad, especially in the winter months is a priority for Gazprom.
In 2020, the preparing objects of unified gas supply system of Russia, as always, performed to the extent necessary.
The company successfully overcomes the difficulty caused by the restrictive measures to combat the spread of coronavirus infection.
All the planned 13 complexes planned preventive and repair work.
On the gas production facilities renovated 90 installations comprehensive and preliminary preparing the gas (UKPG and UPPG).
Until the end of 2020 is planned in particular to increase capacity of booster compressor stations (BCS) at the Bovanenkovskoye field on the Peninsula of Yamal, to introduce a new DKC at the Kshukskoye and Nizhne-Kvakchikskoye fields in Kamchatka.
During the preparation of the gas transportation system (GTS) on October 1, the repair 362 km of the linear part of main gas pipelines (MGP) and 11 lines for underwater crossings, 410 gas compressor units (GCU) and 190 gas distribution stations (GDS).
Carried out in-line inspection, more than 22 thousand km of gas pipelines.
Special attention was paid to the work of underground gas storage (UGS).
They allow us to increase gas supply to consumers in case of a sharp cold snap and the increase in demand.
The beginning of the season selection of the operational reserve of gas in underground storage facilities of Russia has reached a historic high of 72.3 billion m3 (including storages on the territory of Belarus and Armenia – 73,5 billion m3).
The potential maximum performance of the UGS facilities of Russia, as scheduled, saved to progress to the autumn-winter period 2019-2020 record high – 843,3 million m3/day (including storages on the territory of Belarus and Armenia – 883,3 million m3/day).
Operating units, subsidiaries of Gazprom charged in a timely manner to complete the preparation of the UGSS facilities for the autumn-winter exploitation and ensure reliable and smooth operation of the production facilities.
During PCR 2019-2020 Gazprom fully provided reliable gas deliveries to domestic and foreign consumers, which has resulted in the traditional large-scale preparatory work for PCR.
By the beginning of the withdrawal season 2019-2020 in underground storage facilities on the territory of Russia was created the operating gas reserve in the amount of 72.2 billion m3.
Maximum potential daily productivity of the stores by the beginning of the PCR reached 843,3 million m3that was a record for the domestic gas industry.