Fuego Fino, is a women-led eco-friendly alcohol importation and wholesale company. Records show double-digit sales growth while adding big box alcohol stores to its ever-growing list of retail sales locations
“It is decision makers who can shake an industry, but it is consumer demand that shapes a foundation. Today’s consumers are increasingly women, women who are no longer quiet about their ability to shake up how companies interact with the world around them — environmentally and socially. It is great to see that large retail chains like Bevmo™ and Total Wine & More™ provide support — but this is all enforced by consumer demand,” says CEO Jessica Contreras.
Today, women are responsible for 85 percent of alcohol purchases in the $12 to $15 range. Women are ordering more alcoholic beverages in restaurants and those numbers continue to rise.
Even when women are not directly consuming the alcohol, they are still making 65 to 70 percent of the purchasing decisions about alcohol consumed at home.
And in today’s vocal society, women are making changes. They are no longer serving alcohol, but rather owning the brands and distribution centers.
Fuego Fino, Inc. is a women-led alcohol importation founded by Jessica Contreras, a first generation Mexican-American who has stood proud upon her roots. She followed the footsteps of her Grandmother, who was a Mexican-moonshiner. Jessica has been a staunch advocate of not just promoting women to executive positions, but ensuring that the checks she writes for services are to firms that have women among their ranks.
Fuego Fino has grown from its importing roots into becoming one of the only female-led distribution companies. This last mile of alcohol industry has been dominated by males. However, Jessica has taken many steps to promote women in the space, refusing to do business with some service providers because they lacked women among their staff.
About Fuego Fino
During the global pandemic, when many companies were turning their strategic focus inward, Jessica’s women-led company expanded upwards. In addition to its growth, Fuego Fino, Inc. has begun to sponsor environmental projects by agreeing to regularly purchase carbon offsets.
Fuego Fino, Inc. is a planet-friendly wine and spirits company that focuses on developing the next high-growth product sector. They boost their revenue potential by curtailing waste and retaining the majority of their supply and distribution networks. For more information, please visit the website.
Website – https://fgfino.com