Separately noted that the company resets daily allowance of water in water bodies exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants.
Norilsk, 25 Oct – IA Neftegaz.RU. In the course of unscheduled inspections from September 25 to October 22, Rosprirodnadzor identified 82 violations of environmental laws by the company Norilskgazprom (part of the group Norilsk Nickel).
It is noted that out of planned audits were conducted in the framework of the execution of the order of the Deputy Chairman of the RF government V. Abramchenko in the period from 25 September to 22 October, 2020.
Norilskgazprom operates in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation.
The company plans on prevention and liquidation of spills of oil and oil products were developed in violation of existing requirements.
These plans do not contain all of the possible scenarios for the prevention and development of emergency situations.
Separately noted that the company resets daily allowance of water in water bodies exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants.
Among these substances, including petroleum products, as they lead to serious water pollution.
The company also resets the waste water from the treatment plant on the terrain.
The conclusion from operation of objects of capital construction the company performs without the implementation of measures for the protection of the environment.
Wastes placed on the land in the absence of a license to conduct such activities.
By results of check the statement was drawn up and issued the instruction about elimination of the revealed violations.
Taken administrative measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Rosprirodnadzor will make protocols on administrative offences in respect of Norilskgazprom, as well as officials of the company who have violated the requirements.
Earlier Rostehnadzor also temporarily suspended the operation of several storage tanks for diesel fuel storage of Norilskgazprom in Norilsk from-for violations of industrial safety requirements.